moon@bear ~$

metaphorical skateboarding, and my obsession with motion

there's a habit I have which I find really difficult to explain to most people. the best I can come up with is using skateboarding as an analogy:

Metaphorical Skateboarding

given a skate park, or an obstacle, or really any kind of space you have access to, skateboarding generally works like this:

metaphorical skateboarding is the same, with the only difference being that the execution step doesn't need to be done with a skateboard. this turns out to be a very big difference, as the possibility space now includes (but is not limited to):

I don't believe I'm the only person with this interest (hence the "most people" in the first sentence of this post) but it seems fairly uncommon outside of communities focused on movement, like those for speedrunning or for competitive fighting games.

my obsession with motion

I've been obsessed with motion, or movement, or whatever word or phrase you have for it, for as long as I remember. I couldn't tell you why, but nearly all of my interests have something to do with movement:

really the only exception to this pattern is reading, and that one is easy to explain: books rule !!!


  1. a recent example

  2. a good visual explanation of the bug

  3. wavedashing is the result of an intentional mechanic
